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GALAXY-TAJMAC manufactured and assembled its historically first machine of the TAJMAC-ZPS production programme outside Czech Republic

Our subsidiary in India, the GALAXY-TAJMAC, has been officially registered by the Indian authorities on October 13th 2016 with an objective to produce the MANURHIN K'MX automatic lathes in India and for India in accordance with the “Make in India” initiative, launched by Prime Minister Modi of the Indian Government. At the IMTEX exhibition in Bangalore held in January 2017, we have introduced not only the MANURHIN K'MX 41 machine but also our subsidiary GALAXY-TAJMAC MACHINERY PVT LTD which will start producing these machines in India and for the Indian market. With TAJMAC-ZPS owning 49% and GALAXY MACHINERY owning 51%, it is guaranteed that the latter is considered as an Indian company according to the Indian laws. The interest in the machine was high and some visitors wanted to order the machine right on the spot. Indians are, among others, highly patriotic.

By age structure, India is the youngest country in the world. Percentually, it has the highest share of young people up to the age of 30 among its total population. These people have jobs, salaries and a desire for products. However, the Indian production basis is growing at a slower rate than the Indian market demands. We have met a customer in a need of ten machines as he had his capacity sold out up to the year 2019.

We assured all these customers that they will be invited to the ceremonial introduction of the first MANURHIN K'MX 413 prototype manufactured in India. And so we did. On July 12th 2017, the machine was introduced in Belgaum and more than a hundred guests attended our ceremony.

After the ceremonious lighting of a lamp with candles by the GALAXY-TAJMAC board of managers and guests and after the anthems of India and the Czech Republic, Mr. Shrinivasan, the Galaxy Machinery CEO, opened the celebratory act in front of a crowded hall and introduced the main guest and the “transoceanic” guests from the TAJMAC-ZPS company. The main guest was a person highly esteemed in India - Mr. Arvind Melligeri, the chairman of the board of directors and CEO of the Aequs Inc, USA and India company, living in Houston and the only Indian certified supplier for Boeing and Airbus. The welcome speech was given by the executive director and owner of Galaxy Machinery and the GALAXY-TAJMAC co-owner, Mr. Subramanian Elango, and by the owner of the TAJMAC-ZPS and GALAXY-TAJMAC co-owner, Mr. Michele Taiariol. Afterwards, Mr. Tomáš Dederle, the director of the MANURHIN Division of TAJMAC-ZPS, introduced the machine itself and described the advantages of machining technologies on swiss lathes.

Consecutively, in front of a crowded hall, Mr. Arvind Melligeri symbolically handed over the historically first MANURHIN K'MX manufactured in India to Mr. Siddharth Hundre, the director and owner of the POLYHYDRON company from Belgaum. Mr. Siddharth Hundre purchased and, as is the custom in India, already paid for the MANURHIN K'MX machine. This machine has been sold even before it was manufactured!

After ceremonial closing, all attendees were transported to the premises of the GALAXY Machinery company where they could compare a machine assembled in last year´s October in TAJMAC-ZPS with a machine finished this June in GALAXY-TAJMAC. The Indian team did a great job as it was difficult to distinguish which machine is which at first sight. Both machines were configured to demonstration technologies. After this, the guests left for a rich banquet dinner. According to the interest of the participants, it is safe to assume that the 6-piece test series of the MANURHIN K'MX machines, planned for production in December 2017 and January 2018, will again be sold in India before their assembly.

Ing. Tomáš Dederle
MANURHIN Division Director

Welfare questionnaire
Basic data
Your rating
Machine parameters

How much are you satisfied with technical parameters of machine? *

Importance of this criterion

Ratio "price/utility value"

How much are you satisfied with ratio "price / utility value"?: *

Importance of this criterion

Speed and complexity of services

How much are you satisfied with speed and complexity of services?: *

Importance of this criterion

Range of offered goods, services

How much are you satisfied with range of products (services)?: *

Importance of this criterion

Manufacturer (dealer) approach

How much are you satisfied with approach of manufacturer (vendor)?: *

Importance of this criterion

Reaction to your requirements and remarks

How much are you satisfied with reaction to your requirements and comments?: *

Importance of this criterion


Údaje označené * jsou povinné.
Hodnocení spokojenosti: vyberte hodnotu ze stupnice 1 - 5 (1= rozhodně ano, 5 = rozhodně ne)
Důležitost kritéria: vyberte hodnotu ze stupnice 1 - 5 (1= nejnižší váha, 5 = nejvyšší váha)