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Manurhin logo


Creation of the company the MANUfactory of Machines of Upper RHINe under the name of MANURHIN. Its main activity concerned machinery for the foodstuff sector.

Manufacture of automatic bar turning lathes.

Manufacture of PF cam lathes transferred to the factory in Mulhouse.

Introduction of the Decomat 42 automatic lathe with hydraulic controls and card programming.


A world premiere: manufacture of the Traminer, the world´s first ever numerical controlled sliding-headstock lathe! Own control system had to be designed as there was no available. The Traminer was having 8 linear axes and 5 of them could work simultaneously.

Design and launch of the K'MX system. The K'MX 20 shown for the first time in EMO, Milan.

An other world premiere: launch of the world´s first ever twin-spindle turning machine, the K'MX Twin.

New generation multiple-axis sliding-headstock lathe with simplified programming, the K'MX Swing.

Manufacture of the K'MX XL32 and K'MX 413.

MANURHIN K'MX has been acquired by TAJMAC-ZPS, based in Zlin, Czech Republic and becomes the member of TAJMAC Group headquartered in Italy.

Production and assembly of first MANURHIN K'MX 413 and K'MX SWING in TAJMAC-ZPS, Zlin, Czech Republic and the first successful installation of MANURHIN K'MX machines fully manufactured and assembled in Zlin.

Start up of MANURHIN K'MX Deutschland GmbH in Deisslingen.

The first MANURHIN K'MX 532 was successfully installed with customer.

The first MANURHIN K'MX 632 was successfully installed with customer.

The first MANURHIN K'MX 432 was successfully installed with customer.

The first MANURHIN K'MX 632 DUO was successfully installed with customer.

The first MANURHIN K'MX 732 EVO was successfully installed with customer.

The first MANURHIN K'MX 532 TREND was successfully installed with customer. Production of MANURHIN K'MX 532 has been stopped.

The MANURHIN K'MX 816 CLEVER was successfully installed with customer.

The GALAXY – TAJMAC MACHINERY PVT LTD, daughter joint venture company has been incorporated in India. Factory is located in Belgaum, India and founded to produce, assemble MANURHIN K'MX Swiss automatic lathes for India in India.

New facilities in Villingen-Schwenningen were opened for MANURHIN K'MX GmbH in Germany (since 2017 TAJMAC Deutschland GmbH).

The first Indian MANURHIN K'MX 413 has been assembled in our plant in India and installed to customer in Belgaum.

The first prototype of MANURHIN K'MX 916 CLEVER was successfully installed with customer.

In May during the Open House of ZPS America in Indianapolis, the USA,  were introduced for the US market MANURHIN K'MX machines. Namely K'MX SWING, K'MX 732 EVO and K'MX 816 Clever.

The first prototype of MANURHIN K'MX 1032 was successfully installed with customer.

The first prototype of MANURHIN K'MX 620 has been exhibited on AMB Stuttgart in September.

Welfare questionnaire
Basic data
Your rating
Machine parameters

How much are you satisfied with technical parameters of machine? *

Importance of this criterion

Ratio "price/utility value"

How much are you satisfied with ratio "price / utility value"?: *

Importance of this criterion

Speed and complexity of services

How much are you satisfied with speed and complexity of services?: *

Importance of this criterion

Range of offered goods, services

How much are you satisfied with range of products (services)?: *

Importance of this criterion

Manufacturer (dealer) approach

How much are you satisfied with approach of manufacturer (vendor)?: *

Importance of this criterion

Reaction to your requirements and remarks

How much are you satisfied with reaction to your requirements and comments?: *

Importance of this criterion


Údaje označené * jsou povinné.
Hodnocení spokojenosti: vyberte hodnotu ze stupnice 1 - 5 (1= rozhodně ano, 5 = rozhodně ne)
Důležitost kritéria: vyberte hodnotu ze stupnice 1 - 5 (1= nejnižší váha, 5 = nejvyšší váha)